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Scaredy Cat Pants Wetter ABDL ASMR Diaper Trance Training (Halloween Special! Learn to wet your pants whenever you are scared)

10/2/23 6:05 AM19 min454 MBmp41080p
Price14.49 EUR


Happy Halloween! This is a very special file that will turn you into a scaredy cat pants wetter!

Warning! Do not listen to this file unless you want to wet your pants every time you feel startled or scared. During the Halloween season, this might mean you need to wear diapers whenever you go out to avoid an embarrassing accident. This file explores the sensations of being startled and having a full bladder and trains you to naturally and completely empty your bladder whenever you feel even a little bit startled or scared.

I highly recommend wearing a diaper while listening to avoid an unexpected wetting accident! I hope you enjoy and have a very happy Halloween!

File is professionally recorded, mixed, and mastered with binaural beats and sound effects to maximize results. Listen daily for 30 days to experience full results and become a true scaredy cat pants wetter =^_^=

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